Thursday, March 14, 2024

Sources of Information

There has been so much damage to our country that has been caused by information shared by major media outlets and popular social media platforms that is absolutely not true. Responsible jouirnalism depends on getting the facts right and that is only done by checking the sources and making sure the sources are credible and the information is accurate. Then, and only then, should a story be published, broadcasted or posted. This has not been the case in recent decades. As a matter of fact, law suits have been filed and been successful when news outlets have shared informention that was not true. Part of one major network's defense was that it was a form of entertainment and not really news. The huge problem is that tens of millions of people do accept that network as their major news source. We, as responsible citizens, "must" take responsibility to make sure they have the "facts." This can be done by using numerous sources to gather information. We have to do more work if we really want good information to make our decisions on the hundreds of topics that we deal with in our lives. It really is necessary to have an educated and well informed electorate in order to have a strong and well functioning democracy. Facts matter. Let's do our part in making sure those "facts" are true before using that information to base our decisions.

Tuesday, March 5, 2024

It Has Been A Long Time!

Almost all people have opinions on an infinite number of topics. Those opinions have a chance to influence the way others may think based on the method(s) used to convey those thoughts. It has been a long time since I used this blog to attempt to share my opinions. I don't even know anyone who blogs anymore. Bur the Supreme Court just rules yesterday that Colorado could not keep Donald Trump off their ballot for President of the United States in the 2024 Election. This seems to disregard the spirit, intent and meaning of the Fourteenth Amendment. I'm starting to post this blog again as a way to share my thoughts on topics that are so important for our country. The Election of 2024 is the most important in my lifetime. But the most important factor in having a successful election is to have an informed and educated electorate. Where voters get their information does matter and those sources should have accurate facts and information if our democracy is going to ssurvive and thrive. It is then, and only then, that voters can make good decisions at election time. This Supreme Court decision has prompted me to continue this blog after a long time since my last post. I'll be presenting my views and opinions in this blog. I will share the facts and sources on which I base my opinions and views and will apply history to add some context and perspective. I know it is possible, and maybe likely, that not one person reads my blogs. But if I can share my opinions and just one person is influenced before the Election of 2024, then I'll feel pretty good.

Monday, October 21, 2019

Where can I begin?

Where can I begin. Every human being wants the same things from their government. All people want a safe environment to meet the basic needs in life and be given a chance to "pursue happiness." I welcome debate on this but I think this statement covers most people's reasonable requirements from their government. John Locke was a great philosopher during the enlightenment period and his writings greatly influenced many of our founding fathers. It is against that backdrop that I begin. Locke noted that any government must provide the life to life, liberty and the ownership of property. Thomas Jefferson was probably influenced by those words when he noted in the Declaration of Independence that all people had the right to "life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness." But what do those words mean in developing the structure of government. Well I believe that our writers of the United States Constitution wrote the most important words for any Democratic Republic. Those words are contained in our Preamble of that document. Preamble We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America. These words, as I see it, are the specific ways that our government meets the terms of our "social contract." The preamble, again as I see it, is the promise our government makes to our people. This passage will provide the guide for this blog as I address so many issues and share my perspectives as to how we can identify challenges. Who am I and why should my perspectives matter? Well I'm just a high school United States History and Government teacher from a middle class family. My parents never finished high school but they so loved our country and were so appreciative of all the opportunities they had to work hard, raise a family and live a good life in a safe environment. I totally understand that this blog might not be read by a single human being. But this blog gives me an opportunity to address so many issues that will help me to organize informed opinions, research the facts and propose possible solutions that might be helpful in seeking solutions. What prompted me to continue this blog that I put on hold for so many months? It was the decision to remove our troops from Syria and betray the Kurds. Our preamble states that our government will "provide for the common defense." The situation in Syria in the Kurdish held territories was stable. We have lost six of our brave service members since we sent troops there in an effort to stop ISIS. The Kurds have lost 11,000 along with 14,000 wounded. They have sacrificed so much as partners in our battles with ISIS. President Trump recently declared victory over ISIS. But it was the Kurds that made the sacrifices on the battlefields. They even wore United States flags on their uniforms. We have betrayed our brave allies and deserted them. We have strengthened our adversaries and given new life to ISIS. I am not a "hawk." Far from it! But I understand that to "provide for the common defense" is extremely complicated in today's world and necessitates coalitions for the global common good. That involves honoring the word of our "government" that doesn't change on the whim of a president but rather a united foreign policy approach that includes a partnership with the United States Congress. The decision to remove our troops from Syria was a horrible mistake. We must immediately stop the removal of troops, hold onto existing areas under U.S./Kurdish control and begin damage control by starting new diplomatic efforts with Russia and Turkey to limit the ethnic cleansing that will destroy our Kurdish allies. A huge mistake was made and we will never be able to get back to the original boundaries. But we might have a chance to restore some level of U.S. credibility so that we have a chance to be trusted by our allies and possibly form future coalitions that can help us to better "provide for the common defense" in the future.

Monday, January 18, 2016


I have heard the term "appeasement" many times in the description of the Iranian Nuclear Deal. Many people really do think we gave in to Iran and received very little in return. They compare President Obama to Prime Minister Chamberlain and the deal made with Germany in the late 1930's. Such a comparison is absurd. The United States joined the five permanent members of the United Nations Security Council and Germany in negotiating this deal with Iran. UN inspectors will have strong access to Iranian nuclear facilities in making sure that Iran complies. Finally, Iran will now establish trade relationships within the global economy and this could strengthen the moderate political leaders in Iran and encourage more support for them in the future against Iran's "hard-liners." This deal is not a sure bet. But neither was bunker bombing Iran's Nuclear facilities as a way of preventing them from getting the nuclear bomb. Caution and verification are the key wards in this agreement but this is not "appeasement." This is an attempt to use multi-lateral diplomacy to prevent more war. The dividends of this agreement might already be felt as the 12 soldiers were quickly released when they were captured in Iranian waters. Also, 5 civilians who were held for years in Iran were recently released. These gestures by Iran should not be applauded. These 17 people should not have been taken in the first place. But these releases should provide a small layer of optimism as we look at the impact of this agreement. But don't call it "appeasement."

Thursday, August 1, 2013

Affordable Health Care Law - Political Update - Making Sense Of It All

The Preamble of the United States Constitution includes the words “promote the general welfare.” Can there be anything more basic to “the general welfare” than making sure all citizens of the United States have a basic health plan. I am a believer of universal health care so I thought the current law didn’t go far enough. If we can provide free public education then I sincerely believe all citizens should be provided with free health care. Should there be limits. Sure. But our government should try to serve our citizens. President Obama saw a broken system and earnestly tried to fix it. It was not exactly what he wanted. But he knew that our system of government is based on compromise. He gave in on many areas to gain support for passage of a law that would address a “broken system” for the majority of Americans. It was a start. Improvements to the system would always be welcomed and would only strengthen a great first step in making health care accessible, and possibly affordable for all Americans. The bill was passed, with a “super majority” in the Senate, a majority of the House and the official signing by the President of the United States of America. I teach high school history and government. I really can’t come up with another event in U.S. History that comes close to what followed, and continues to occur, in the attempt by elected officials to sabotage our system of democracy. Republicans sued to get the Supreme Court of the United States to get the Affordable Health Care Bill declared unconstitutional. The key issue was the “individual mandate.” This would require all Americans to have health insurance or be subject to a fine. In an incredible decision, the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court, sided with the liberal members of the court to uphold the law. Chief Justice Roberts is a Republican and was appointed by Republican President George W. Bush. Most people, including me, naturally assumed all members of Congress would work together to improve the law and strengthen its implementation in the interest of helping all Americans. Wow! Was I wrong! The Republican controlled House of Representatives voted to repeal the law. Ok. I think one symbolic vote to voice their dissatisfaction would be acceptable. But 37 votes to repeal a “law” that would never get by the Democratically controlled Senate was a total waste of time and is an insult to the citizens of the United States who expect elected officials to work together to improve the quality of life for all Americans. Finally, I close with the latest stunt being used to sabotage the Affordable Health Care “Law.” Members of the House are threatening to withhold funding for the implementation of this law. I am familiar with the use of this action as a very appropriate use of our Constitution’s system of checks and balances. For example, if the President of the United States uses the military in an undeclared war, Congress can cut funding and force a cessation of the military action. But the Affordable Health Care Act is meant to help the American people. This is a passed law. This law has been found to be “Constitutional” by the Supreme Court of the United States. I applaud President Obama for his efforts but we are going through a unique period of U.S. History. This will be an extremely tough battle. But it is a noble battle worth fighting and winning.

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Foundations of Our Democracy

The fiscal cliff has been averted.  The stock market went crazy with the Dow up over 300 points.  But the look on President Obama's face following the House vote told a different story.  There is a group of Republican House Members who must take a class in United States Government.  These representatives signed pledges to never raise taxes.  Many of those same representatives were elected by voters in their districts because they signed those pledges.  Their constituents should also take a government class.  But we are currently stuck with people in Congress who don't understand that the ability to "compromise" is essential to the success of our system of government.    

Grover Norquist appears on the news networks and keeps these members of Congress in line.  He is most responsible for these pledges.  He has threatened, and succeeded, in defeating any Republican Candidate who defies him.  Many Republicans no longer have the courage to break the "pledge" because they want to keep their jobs and will receive a lot of money to support their candidacy if they play ball with Norquist.  There is huge money behind these "Pledgers" as millionaires save millions by backing this group.  But the efficient operation of our government is the victim as "compromise" becomes impossible.

Courageous Republicans, mostly in the Senate, took on Norquist and the "Pledgers" to get us off the cliff but the biggest challenges remain with the debt ceiling, the sequestration that was delayed and the continuing problem of funding the entitlement programs.  We can handle these challenges if our elected representatives stop signing any pledges and sincerely talk to each other and compromise to get things done and do the will of the people.  What is the "will of the people?"  I think our Founding Fathers framed that answer best when they wrote the Preamble of our Constitution.  But we must fund what our Preamble describes.  If reasonable higher taxes are necessary,  Congress must have the courage to do what is right even if they could lose their job.      

Sunday, March 18, 2012

The Importance of Compromise in Our System of Government

We are in the age "no compromise." Candidates for political office are almost forced to sign pledges before they are able to get support to even think of running for political office. This has become a pathway or road map for winning in the primaries. This also maintains momentum within a party to win in the general election. However, this system is also now crippling our form of democracy.
The greatness of our government over the years has been in our ability to find the middle ground. We have sought to build consensus to get the job done in the interest of the people. Candidates who sign pledges sabotage that process. We don't need robot candidates who simply follow pledges they signed when they ran for office. We need intelligent and reasonable people who will listen to opposing views and find the common elements of both positions and to legislate and implement laws that will benefit the people they represent.