Tuesday, March 5, 2024

It Has Been A Long Time!

Almost all people have opinions on an infinite number of topics. Those opinions have a chance to influence the way others may think based on the method(s) used to convey those thoughts. It has been a long time since I used this blog to attempt to share my opinions. I don't even know anyone who blogs anymore. Bur the Supreme Court just rules yesterday that Colorado could not keep Donald Trump off their ballot for President of the United States in the 2024 Election. This seems to disregard the spirit, intent and meaning of the Fourteenth Amendment. I'm starting to post this blog again as a way to share my thoughts on topics that are so important for our country. The Election of 2024 is the most important in my lifetime. But the most important factor in having a successful election is to have an informed and educated electorate. Where voters get their information does matter and those sources should have accurate facts and information if our democracy is going to ssurvive and thrive. It is then, and only then, that voters can make good decisions at election time. This Supreme Court decision has prompted me to continue this blog after a long time since my last post. I'll be presenting my views and opinions in this blog. I will share the facts and sources on which I base my opinions and views and will apply history to add some context and perspective. I know it is possible, and maybe likely, that not one person reads my blogs. But if I can share my opinions and just one person is influenced before the Election of 2024, then I'll feel pretty good.

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